A Wish Unfulfilled - Marijke Linssen € 40,00
Marijke Linssen has a mission: to provide good mental guidance to couples undergoing to couples undergoing fertility treatments. In addition to her coaching practice, she has therefore written this book that guides women and men through their treatment process. Every couple has its own story, but Marijke Linssen has experienced, through many interviews, research and years of coaching, that couples undergoing fertility treatments run into the same things. By dividing these difficulties into separate chapters, you get a clear picture of what you may encounter and you are given tips and advice on how best to deal with them. Experienced experts play a leading role in this book. Their openness gives you a glimpse into the world of couples who have experienced fertility treatments. In addition, professionals who are specialised in counselling men and women with fertility problems are interviewed.
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Da lunedì a venerdì dalle 8,00 alle 16,30
Sabato dalle 8,30 alle 12,30
Farmacia indipendente, specializzata in medicinali per la fertilità
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